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Braun Europe Limited - Marketing PR Editorial/Journalism

Legal notice

Name and address of provider
Braun Europe Limited
c/o Gable House, Managing Director Tillmann Braun
18 – 24 Turnham Green Terrace
London W4 1QP
Phone: +44 20 89965133
GSM: +44 77 8790 4048
E-Mail: hello(at)braun-pr.com

Webdesign and realisation
derkohle – begreifbare Grafik, Director Michael Kohl
Schwaikheimer Str. 19/9, 71364 Winnenden
Phone: +49 (0)7195 9070 933
E-Mail: m.kohl(at)derkohle.de

The trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on this website are the property of its respective owner. Unless otherwise indicated, this website and its contents are the property of Braun Europe. The authors of the material on the website and the creators of the website assert their moral rights. No part of them may be reproduced in any form or used in any other way except in accordance with the terms set out below. You may download or print off the visible text on this site for personal non-commercial purposes but you may not reproduce any other part of the website including, but not limited to, the structure, overall style and program code. This site includes links to other sites on the world wide web. We cannot vouch for the suitability or accuracy of the content of those sites. We may change these conditions of use from time to time. You will be bound by changes even if you do not re-visit this page to re-read this notice.